AMS Scientist
The KCCAMS facility is searching for a scientist to assist with the operation, maintenance, and further development of its accelerator mass spectrometers. Apply now!
Facility Specialist
The KCCAMS facility is searching for a scientist to assist with the management of the facility with a focus on data analysis and communication with facility users. Apply now!
for UCI Undergraduate Students
The KCCAMS facility employs undergraduate students to help with sample preparation and other laboratory tasks. For current opportunities, please contact Dr. X. Xu (, H. Martinez De La Torre ( or Dr. Z. Wang (
All KCCAMS-affiliated faculty and researchers mentor UCI’s undergraduate students (EarthSS H/199), graduate students (EarthSS 299), and postdocs in research. They also frequently host visitors from other universities.
Please contact specific KCCAMS team members to inquire about current research opportunities in (a) Terrestrial biogeochemistry and/or atmospheric science (Drs. C. Czimczik, J. Randerson, G. Santos, X. Xu for research opportunities) or (b) Marine biogeochemistry and/or paleoclimate (Drs. E. Druffel, K. Johnson, F. Primeau, J. Southon, B. Walker).