The KCCAMS facility consists of the KCCAMS laboratory and four research laboratories in UC Irvine’s Earth System Science Department dedicated to terrestrial/atmospheric, marine, and paleoclimate research. The facility was established in 2001 by UC Irvine faculty Ellen Druffel, John Southon, and Susan Trumbore with a $2 million gift from the W. M. Keck Foundation to advance our understanding of the carbon cycle and its role in the climate system. It was expanded in 2021 with a $2 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (EAR-2117634) awarded to UC Irvine faculty Claudia Czimczik and James Randerson, KCCAMS scientist Guaciara Santos, NASA-JPL scientist Charles Miller, and UC Riverside faculty Francesca Hopkins to support climate change and air quality research.
KCCAMS Sample Preparation Laboratory
This laboratory accepts a variety of samples in a range of preparation stages to support researchers at all University California campus locations as well as U.S. and international researchers not affiliated with the UC system. Its operation is dedicated to supporting carbon cycle research. Samples are also prepared in four associated research laboratories in the Department of Earth System Science led by UC Irvine faculty Ellen Druffel, Susan Trumbore, Claudia Czimczik, Kathleen Johnson, and Brett Walker, supported by KCCAMS staff scientists Drs. Xiaomei Xu, Guaciara Santos, and Zicheng Wang.
0.5 MV AMS
The 0.5 MV 1.5SDH-2 (National Electrostatics Corporation) with an in house designed 60-sample MC-SNICS cesium sputter ion source is optimized for regular-sized (100–1000 µg C) bulk samples. The KCCAMS facility also works with interested researchers to process smaller samples (15-100 µg C). The
The MICADAS is 0.2 MV accelerator mass spectrometer that was added to UC Irvine’s KCCAMS user facility to support climate change and air quality research in December 2023. With its hybrid ion source and high-degree of automation, the MICADAS enables (a) the rapid analysis of size-limited samples in the form of carbon dioxide gas (organic solids or purified carbon dioxide in ampoules, 15-100 μg C) and (b) the comprehensive analysis of regular-sized samples in form of solid graphite (all sample types, 300-1000 μg C), that are simultaneously analyzed for their %C and %N via a coupled elemental analyzer.
Elemental and stable isotope analyses
Alongside the measurement of radiocarbon, the KCCAMS facility offers the analysis of carbon and nitrogen contents (%C, %N, C:N-ratio) and stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N). These data can provide information about the sources of C and N in a sample and, or the cycling of C and N in the environment. For certain sample types (e.g. bone), C and N data are used to determine the degree of environmental degradation and thus its suitability for radiocarbon analysis.
The facility operates two elemental analyzers coupled with continuous flow stable isotope mass spectrometers. An EA/Gasbench II-IRMS (Fisons-Thermo-Finnigan Delta+) is used to measure %C, %N, C:N-ratio, δ13C, and δ15N of organic solids and δ13C of carbon dioxide. An EA/IRMS (Vario EL-Isoprime PrecisION, Elementar) coupled to an Automated Graphitization Equipment (AGE3, Ionplus AG) is used to convert organic solids into graphite targets for radiocarbon analysis, while also measuring the %C, %N, C:N-ratio, δ13C, and δ15N.
W. M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Facility
Department of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA
Paleoclimate &
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
J. Southon (
H. Martinez De La Torre (
G. Santos (
B321 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3674
Marine Biogeochemistry
B. Walker (
E. Druffel (
S. Griffin (
2212 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3286
Terrestrial Biogeochemistry &
X. Xu (
C. Czimczik (
G. Santos (
2222 & 2313 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3444
G. Santos (
C. Czimczik (
Z. Wang (
2313 Croul Hall