Courses for UCI students

EARTHSS 280. Introduction to Radiocarbon (1 unit)

This course introduces students to the use of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 in climate change and air pollution research. With lectures, discussions, problem sets, and laboratory activities students learn about the origin of carbon-14, the different nomenclature used to express carbon-14 data, and the use of carbon-14 in climate change and air pollution research. Students may also explore how carbon-14C may advance their own research.
Restrictions: This is graduate-level course. However,  undergraduates conducting research in KCCAMS-affiliated research and staff are encouraged to request access.

EARTHSS 256. Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography (4 Units)

Explores past changes in Earth’s climate. Topics include tools and techniques used to reconstruct past climate from natural archives; records and mechanisms of past climate changes throughout Earth history; and lessons learned from the paleo-record for prediction of future climate.
Restriction: Graduate students only.


W. M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Facility 
Department of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA

Paleoclimate &
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

J. Southon (
H. Martinez De La Torre (
G. Santos (
B321 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3674

Marine Biogeochemistry
B. Walker (
E. Druffel (
S. Griffin (
2212 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3286

Terrestrial Biogeochemistry &

X. Xu (
C. Czimczik (
G. Santos (
2222 & 2313 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3444

G. Santos (
C. Czimczik (
Z. Wang (
2313 Croul Hall