The Radiocarbon Short Course was a 1-week training course for senior undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and researchers with broad interests in ecology and earth system science who are planning on, or are currently, using radiocarbon techniques as part of their research, and wish to expand their understanding of this tool. The knowledge is available in our book Radiocarbon & Climate Change.
The course used a mixture of lectures, short talks, active learning activities, and networking sessions to facilitate research and interactions. Lectures introduce participants to the use of radiocarbon in carbon cycle, environmental, and ecological research, with examples from marine and terrestrial systems and the atmosphere. Hands-on activities focus on creating a tracer-free lab environment and avoiding contamination in the field and lab, collecting samples in the field, choosing standards and blanks, processing and analyzing samples in the laboratory, and analyzing, reporting, and interpreting radiocarbon data. Poster presentations and social events offer networking opportunities.
The course was offered at the KCCAMS facility or collaborating institutions and taught by KCCAMS researchers and staff and radiocarbon experts from the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany, Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ, and GNS Science, New Zealand. For more information, visit
Past Short Courses
2021. Sep 14, 16, 21. 23, 28 & 30. Live on zoom
2019. Aug 11-16. UC Irvine
2017. Sep. MPI-BGC
2016. Jul 24-29. UC Irvine
2014. Jul 21- 26. UC Irvine
2012. July. MPI-BGC
2011. July. UC Irvine