Fees for Radiocarbon Analyses

Fees (in $US) for sample preparation and analyses vary by sample type and follow a tiered structure, with lower fees available to academic research groups affiliated with the University of California (UC) than other academic/non-profit institutions (not-UC, not-for-profit) or other clients (not-UC, commercial). 

Note that non-UC client fees have increased effective Aug 1, 2024 to account for inflation.
Sample type/procedure University of California (UC) Not-UC, not-for-profit Not-UC, commercial
Organics (sample preparation)
Physical and chemical cleaning* $60 $90 $100
Total Amino Acids/XAD $175 $270 contact staff
Combustion $35 $55 $65
Carbonate (sample preparation)
Cleaning* and hydrolysis $45 $75 $85
DIC contact staff $150 contact staff
Gas & Aerosol (sample preparation)
CO2 extraction from air $70 $120 $180
CH4 extraction contact staff $190 contact staff
Elemental carbon from aerosol contact staff $120 contact staff
High precision analysis (all sample types)
Conversion to graphite** $45 $70 $100
14C measurement with AMS $90 $130 $200
δ13C measurement with IRMS $15 $35 $40
Rapid method carbonates (sample prep) $25 $35 contact staff
Rapid method carbonates (lower precision 14C measurement with AMS) $45 $70 contact staff
AMS/IRMS measurement standard and blanks***

The KCCAMS facility can accept samples (in batches of at least 10 samples at a time) in a range of preparation stages, from bulk material to purified CO2 to graphite targets, and fees vary accordingly. Typical organics will cost UC-clients $200 (cleaning + combustion + conversion to graphite + 14C measurement). Typical carbonates will cost UC-clients $160 (cleaning/hydrolysis+ conversion to graphite + 14C measurement). Typical air samples will cost UC clients $180 (CO2 extraction from air + conversion to graphite + 14C measurement).

*Clients must isolate macrofossils from the sample matrix prior to submission. Specialized services such as charcoal, pollen or foram picking, aerosol acid fumigation or individual compound separation are not available (but see Sample Types). 

**All samples must be converted to graphite prior to analysis. Clients may arrange for the submission of graphite targets made at their laboratory (see Sample Types).

***Fees might be requested for standards and blanks used in method development studies that exceed the typical amount of reference materials needed for analyses. Please contact KCCAMS staff to discuss specific needs.

****Swipes are free for 1st-time clients if swipes are submitted prior to sample submission. Fees might be requested ($100/swipe sample) from existing users who require repeated analyses. Please contact KCCAMS staff to discuss specific needs.

Billing and Payment Procedures

Analyses are invoiced after the results are reported. KCCAMS staff will contact the client to arrange payment. UC clients may pay with direct recharge. Non-UC clients may arrange payment by check or ACH/Wire Transfer.


W. M. Keck Carbon Cycle Accelerator Facility 
Department of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3100, USA

Paleoclimate &
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

J. Southon (jsouthon@uci.edu)
H. Martinez De La Torre (hamartin@uci.edu)
G. Santos (gdossant@uci.edu)
B321 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3674

Marine Biogeochemistry
B. Walker (brettw1@uci.edu)
E. Druffel (edruffel@uci.edu)
S. Griffin (sgriffin@uci.edu)
2212 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3286

Terrestrial Biogeochemistry &

X. Xu (xxu@uci.edu)
C. Czimczik (czimczik@uci.edu)
G. Santos (gdossant@uci.edu)
2222 & 2313 Croul Hall
Phone: +1 949 824-3444

G. Santos (gdossant@uci.edu)
C. Czimczik (czimczik@uci.edu)
Z. Wang (zichew31@uci.edu)
2313 Croul Hall