At Math CEO, we recognize that parents and families are sources of support in order for students to:

Attain Better Grades

Develop Math Motivational Beliefs, Educational Goals, and Career Aspirations

Learn Problem-Solving Strategies
In the interactive handouts below, we present various concrete strategies for parents to use to help and support middle-school students in their education.
Apoyo al aprendizaje de estudiantes en casa durante la pandemia COVID -19
For many students, adjusting to learning in the pandemic has been very difficult. With some of the practical strategies in this handout, you'll be able to make sure your child is continuing to learn and do their schoolwork during these troubling times:
- Talking with your child
- Learning and Doing Activities Together
- Learning and Doing Activities Together
- Structures, Schedules, and Routines
- Checking Homework
- Rewards and Consequences
- Getting Help From Friends, Families, and Neighborhoods
- Communicating with Teachers
Estos folletos informativos fueron creados por Nestor Tulagan, Ph.D. y Stephanie Soto-Lara, y fueron posibles gracias a una colaboración entre la actividad extraescolar del UC Irvine Math CEO (dirigida por Alessandra Pantano, Ph.D.) y el grupo de investigación Project Reach (dirigido por Sandra Simpkins, Ph.D.). Los autores quisieran agradecer a Tarana Khan, Ph.D. y Kathryn Wiebezahl de PBS SoCal; Wendy Ochoa, Ph.D. de la Universidad de Tufts; y Lupe Diaz, Ph.D. por contribuir con recursos en los folletos.
Historias sobre cómo los padres influyeron en el éxito educativo de estudiantes universitarios actuales y pasados
Parents and families are necessary for their students to succeed in school. In this handout, you'll hear about the many stories of how many parents influenced the educational success of current and former college students. According to many students, parents have helped them succeed in the following ways:
- Encouraging and Praising
- Giving Advice
- Instilling Values for Education
- Expressing Hopes and Dreams
- Recognizing Parents’ Sacrifice & Effort
- Instilling Responsibility & Work Ethic
- Role Modeling
- Being Involved At School
Estos folletos informativos fueron creados por Nestor Tulagan, Ph.D. y Stephanie Soto-Lara, y fueron posibles gracias a una colaboración entre la actividad extraescolar del UC Irvine Math CEO (dirigida por Alessandra Pantano, Ph.D.) y el grupo de investigación Project Reach (dirigido por Sandra Simpkins, Ph.D.). Los autores quisieran agradecer a Tarana Khan, Ph.D. y Kathryn Wiebezahl de PBS SoCal; Wendy Ochoa, Ph.D. de la Universidad de Tufts; y Lupe Diaz, Ph.D. por contribuir con recursos en los folletos.
El poder de los padres
Read about the incredibly ways Orange County parents have overcame challenges to help their kids in school! In this handout, you'll read about the incredibly ways you parents have continued to show your support to your students through difficult times like these. We hope these stories will continue to help you realize the huge impact you all have on your student's lives. Here are some of the important things Orange County parents did to support their children in school.
- Parents asked for help from family members
- Parents asked for help from schools and after-school programs
- Parents worked together with their children despite difficulties
- Parents used helpful digital tools to support their kids
- Parents made sure that their children had the opportunities, spaces, materials, and structure to learn at home
Este folleto fue creado por UC Irvine Project Reach and Math CEO, y no sería posible posible sin los padres, estudiantes y familias que fueron entrevistados y el programa extracurricular de Math CEO en UCI.
Gracias a los estudiantes universitarios que ayudaron a obtener información de estas entrevistas. Estudiantes de doctorado talentosos como Stephanie Soto-Lara, Kayla Puente y Perla Ramos Carranza brindaron conocimientos asombrosos sobre las familias latinas / hispanas. Académicos en ascenso y trabajadores como Víctor Arroyo, Cody Uyeda, Victoria Rocha y Priscilla Castaneda fueron fundamentales para ayudar a dar sentido a los datos.
Cómo usar Canvas
Learn how to use Canvas! Canvas is a tool used by many educational institutions to help their students manage their assignments, assessments, and to view announcements. In this short video, you'll learn how to use the dashboard, use the menus, view assignments and grades, and many more!
This booklet was created by the UC Irvine Project Reach.
El significado de las calificaciones en la escuela media
For those unfamiliar with how grading in the United States work, this is the perfect video for you! In this short video, you will learn how the grading system in Mexico compares with that of the United States and finally be able to understand how your student is doing in their classes.
Este vídeo fue creado por Victor Arroyo, Dr. Alessandra Pantano and Nancy Feng.
6. Education System in the United States Schools
In this handout, you'll learn about the many paths students are able to take in the United States's school system, and get answers to many of the common questions you might have about this!
This booklet was created by the UC Irvine Project Reach.
Cómo pagar estudios universitarios
Learn about how much college can cost! In this handout, you'll learn about the potential options your student can take and the prices for each option. Additionally, you'll learn how you can apply for scholarships or grants to alleviate some of that financial burden.
This booklet was created by the UC Irvine Project Reach.