Current Projects and Homepages:
- Our group leads or plays a co-investigative role in these sponsored projects:
“Lightweight Climate Analysis Tools for ACME” is US Department of Energy Cooperative Agreement (CA) fxm, aka our contribution to the Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) project, a part of DOE’s Earth System Modeling (ESM) program. The ACME project provides the resources to implement support for parallel regridding and workflows in NCO accessible through UV-CDAT. Spatially intelligent software tools is a key component of the Group-Oriented Data Analysis and Distribution (GODAD) paradigm we are developing for geoscience data analysis.Funding for this project is still pending. We anticipate hiring one postdoc based at UCI for at least three years, to help accomplish our ACME objectives. Stay tuned here.
“Simplifying and accelerating model evaluation by NASA satellite data” is National Aeronautics and Space Administration Cooperative Agreement (CA) NNX12AF48A, aka our ACCESS 2013 project, a part of NASA’s Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science (ACCESS) program. The ACCESS 2013 project provides the resources to implement support in NCO for Swath-like data (SLD), i.e., dataset with non-rectangular and/or time-varying spatial grids in which one or more coordinates are multi-dimensional. It is often challenging and time-consuming to work with SLD, including all NASA Level 2 satellite-retrieved data, non-rectangular subsets of Level 3 data, and model data (e.g., CMIP5) that are increasingly stored on non-rectangular grids. Spatially intelligent software tools is a key component of the Group-Oriented Data Analysis and Distribution (GODAD) paradigm we are developing for geoscience data analysis.We are currently recruiting a programmer (aka software engineer) or postdoc based at UCI for at least two years, to accomplish our ACCESS objectives. As described in the proposal, this person will be responsible for incorporating geospatial features and parallelism into NCO. See the ads for more details. (PDF, TXT).
“Simplifying and accelerating model evaluation by NASA satellite data” is National Aeronautics and Space Administration Cooperative Agreement (CA) NNX12AF48A, aka our ACCESS 2011 project a part of NASA’s Advancing Collaborative Connections for Earth System Science (ACCESS) program. The ACCESS 2011 project provided the resources to implement support in NCO for hierarchical group features in netCDF4 files and for NCO to process HDF files. Groups are a powerful HDF feature that some NASA satellite datasets (e.g., HIRDLS) exploit, and that sources of netCDF data (e.g., the CMIP5 archive of climate simulations for IPCC AR5) could better exploit. By supporting groups in a generic fashion, NCO hopes to remove one of the barriers to more widespread adoption of netCDF4 features. We will analyze and intercompare snow cover and snow albedo datasets from NASA MODIS and MISR datasets (in HDF format) and NCAR CESM simulations (in netCDF format). The analysis will inform the development of hierarchical features so NCO can analyze HDF datasets.